Welcome to the Wintermute Metacortex

The Short Version:

The Wintermute Metacortex is intended to be an analogue of the Seldon Foundation, concerned with the acceleration of technological development of humanity along an optimal vector.

The Long Version:

The Wintermute Metacortex is an independently curated open-source macromeme concerned with futurism, accelerationism, and esoteric philosophy.

Interested in contributing?


  1. Invite yourself to the Wintermute Metacortex Discord channel.
  2. Have a GitHub account.
  3. Install mkdocs
  4. Fork the metacortex repository on GitHub.
  5. Create something related to the work done here- be it

    • a paper
    • a response to a paper
    • a better layout
    • software
    • video/audio/artwork
    • something else entirely
  6. Make changes to your fork of the repository to include your creation in the site.

  7. Submit a pull request to the master branch.
  8. Address review comments (if any).
  9. Please note if you agree to license your contributions under the license.

Spread the Word

Share the links, encourage others to contribute.

BTC donations can be sent to
